GKE の node はどのようにログを転送しているのか

GKE は何もしなくてもログを Cloud Logging (旧 Stackdriver Logging) に送ってくれて便利なんだけどどうやって送ってるのかな?と思って調べたメモ。なかなか興味深かった。


GKE クラスタの作成

クラスタの作成。画面ポチポチして取得した gcloud コマンドは省略可能なものも沢山ついてて長い。gcloud の config に compute/region, compute/zone が設定されている前提。でも設定されてたら指定の必要もないのか?

$ PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
$ REGION=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region)
$ ZONE=$(gcloud config get-value compute/zone)
$ CLUSTER_NAME=cluster-1
$ gcloud beta container --project "${PROJECT_ID}" clusters create "${CLUSTER_NAME}" \
    --zone "${ZONE}" \
    --no-enable-basic-auth \
    --cluster-version "1.14.10-gke.17" \
    --machine-type "n1-standard-1" \
    --image-type "COS" \
    --disk-type "pd-standard" \
    --disk-size "100" \
    --metadata disable-legacy-endpoints=true \
    --scopes \
"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/trace.append" \
    --preemptible \
    --num-nodes "1" \
    --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \
    --enable-ip-alias \
    --network "projects/${PROJECT_ID}/global/networks/default" \
    --subnetwork "projects/${PROJECT_ID}/regions/${REGION}/subnetworks/default" \
    --default-max-pods-per-node "110" \
    --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes "0" --max-nodes "1" \
    --no-enable-master-authorized-networks \
    --addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing \
    --enable-autoupgrade \
    --enable-autorepair \
    --max-surge-upgrade 1 \
    --max-unavailable-upgrade 0

kube-system 内の Pod などを確認

kube-system 内に作られているものを確認。この中の daemonset.apps/fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1 がログを送っている。

$ kubectl get all -n kube-system
NAME                                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/event-exporter-v0.2.5-7df89f4b8f-kzzz5                      2/2     Running   0          4m5s
pod/fluentd-gcp-scaler-54ccb89d5-6c6cf                          1/1     Running   0          4m1s
pod/fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1-w8rhw                                    2/2     Running   0          3m38s
pod/heapster-gke-54fdfc9bd4-gs9cf                               3/3     Running   0          3m6s
pod/kube-dns-5877696fb4-5b2dp                                   4/4     Running   0          4m6s
pod/kube-dns-autoscaler-8687c64fc-gj9rg                         1/1     Running   0          4m1s
pod/kube-proxy-gke-cluster-1-default-pool-fe6f5f88-br21         1/1     Running   0          3m57s
pod/l7-default-backend-8f479dd9-fpcch                           1/1     Running   0          4m6s
pod/metrics-server-v0.3.1-5c6fbf777-rs45z                       2/2     Running   0          3m43s
pod/prometheus-to-sd-84v7h                                      2/2     Running   0          3m57s
pod/stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level-69454f8dd5-p7w7b   1/1     Running   0          4m5s

NAME                           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)         AGE
service/default-http-backend   NodePort   <none>        80:30406/TCP    4m6s
service/heapster               ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP          4m5s
service/kube-dns               ClusterIP    <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP   4m7s
service/metrics-server         ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP         4m3s

NAME                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR                                                              AGE
daemonset.apps/fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1         1         1         1       1            1           beta.kubernetes.io/fluentd-ds-ready=true,beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux       4m6s
daemonset.apps/metadata-proxy-v0.1        0         0         0       0            0           beta.kubernetes.io/metadata-proxy-ready=true,beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux   4m5s
daemonset.apps/nvidia-gpu-device-plugin   0         0         0       0            0           <none>                                                                     4m1s
daemonset.apps/prometheus-to-sd           1         1         1       1            1           beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux                                                4m5s

NAME                                                       READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/event-exporter-v0.2.5                      1/1     1            1           4m5s
deployment.apps/fluentd-gcp-scaler                         1/1     1            1           4m1s
deployment.apps/heapster-gke                               1/1     1            1           4m6s
deployment.apps/kube-dns                                   1/1     1            1           4m7s
deployment.apps/kube-dns-autoscaler                        1/1     1            1           4m6s
deployment.apps/l7-default-backend                         1/1     1            1           4m6s
deployment.apps/metrics-server-v0.3.1                      1/1     1            1           4m4s
deployment.apps/stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level   1/1     1            1           4m5s

NAME                                                                  DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/event-exporter-v0.2.5-7df89f4b8f                      1         1         1       4m5s
replicaset.apps/fluentd-gcp-scaler-54ccb89d5                          1         1         1       4m1s
replicaset.apps/heapster-gke-54fdfc9bd4                               1         1         1       3m6s
replicaset.apps/heapster-gke-7fbb79848                                0         0         0       4m6s
replicaset.apps/kube-dns-5877696fb4                                   1         1         1       4m7s
replicaset.apps/kube-dns-autoscaler-8687c64fc                         1         1         1       4m6s
replicaset.apps/l7-default-backend-8f479dd9                           1         1         1       4m6s
replicaset.apps/metrics-server-v0.3.1-5c6fbf777                       1         1         1       3m43s
replicaset.apps/metrics-server-v0.3.1-8559697b9c                      0         0         0       4m4s
replicaset.apps/stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level-69454f8dd5   1         1         1       4m5s

fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1 の定義を確認

Pod 内には fluentd-gcp と prometheus-to-sd-exporter という2つのコンテナが含まれています。後者は fluentd の prometheus plugin が提供する endpoint を polling して定期的にメトリクスを Cloud Monitoring (旧 Stackdriver Monitoring) に送信しています。似たようなやつが DamonSet にもいて、各 node で kubelet, kube-proxy の Prometheus 用メトリクスを Cloud Monitoring に送っています。

$ kubectl get -n kube-system daemonset.apps/fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1 -o yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  generation: 2
    addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode: Reconcile
    k8s-app: fluentd-gcp
    kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true"
    version: v3.1.1
  name: fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1
  namespace: kube-system
  resourceVersion: "786"
  selfLink: /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/kube-system/daemonsets/fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1
  uid: 3eeada2a-6530-11ea-a16f-42010a920085
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
      k8s-app: fluentd-gcp
      kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true"
      version: v3.1.1
        scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/critical-pod: ""
      creationTimestamp: null
        k8s-app: fluentd-gcp
        kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true"
        version: v3.1.1
      - env:
        - name: NODE_NAME
              apiVersion: v1
              fieldPath: spec.nodeName
        - name: K8S_NODE_NAME
              apiVersion: v1
              fieldPath: spec.nodeName
          value: http://$(NODE_NAME):8799
        image: gcr.io/stackdriver-agents/stackdriver-logging-agent:1.6.17-16060
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - |2

              LIVENESS_THRESHOLD_SECONDS=${LIVENESS_THRESHOLD_SECONDS:-300}; STUCK_THRESHOLD_SECONDS=${STUCK_THRESHOLD_SECONDS:-900}; if [ ! -e /var/run/google-fluentd/buffers ]; then
                exit 1;
              fi; touch -d "${STUCK_THRESHOLD_SECONDS} seconds ago" /tmp/marker-stuck; if [ -z "$(find /var/run/google-fluentd/buffers -type d -newer /tmp/marker-stuck -print -quit)" ]; then
                rm -rf /var/run/google-fluentd/buffers;
                exit 1;
              fi; touch -d "${LIVENESS_THRESHOLD_SECONDS} seconds ago" /tmp/marker-liveness; if [ -z "$(find /var/run/google-fluentd/buffers -type d -newer /tmp/marker-liveness -print -quit)" ]; then
                exit 1;
          failureThreshold: 3
          initialDelaySeconds: 600
          periodSeconds: 60
          successThreshold: 1
          timeoutSeconds: 1
        name: fluentd-gcp
            cpu: "1"
            memory: 500Mi
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 200Mi
        terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
        terminationMessagePolicy: File
        - mountPath: /var/run/google-fluentd
          name: varrun
        - mountPath: /var/log
          name: varlog
        - mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers
          name: varlibdockercontainers
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /etc/google-fluentd/config.d
          name: config-volume
      - command:
        - /monitor
        - --stackdriver-prefix=container.googleapis.com/internal/addons
        - --api-override=https://monitoring.googleapis.com/
        - --source=fluentd:http://localhost:24231?whitelisted=stackdriver_successful_requests_count,stackdriver_failed_requests_count,stackdriver_ingested_entries_count,stackdriver_dropped_entries_count
        - --pod-id=$(POD_NAME)
        - --namespace-id=$(POD_NAMESPACE)
        - name: POD_NAME
              apiVersion: v1
              fieldPath: metadata.name
        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
              apiVersion: v1
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        image: k8s.gcr.io/prometheus-to-sd:v0.5.0
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: prometheus-to-sd-exporter
        resources: {}
        terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
        terminationMessagePolicy: File
      dnsPolicy: Default
      hostNetwork: true
        beta.kubernetes.io/fluentd-ds-ready: "true"
        beta.kubernetes.io/os: linux
      priorityClassName: system-node-critical
      restartPolicy: Always
      schedulerName: default-scheduler
      securityContext: {}
      serviceAccount: fluentd-gcp
      serviceAccountName: fluentd-gcp
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
      - effect: NoExecute
        operator: Exists
      - effect: NoSchedule
        operator: Exists
      - hostPath:
          path: /var/run/google-fluentd
          type: ""
        name: varrun
      - hostPath:
          path: /var/log
          type: ""
        name: varlog
      - hostPath:
          path: /var/lib/docker/containers
          type: ""
        name: varlibdockercontainers
      - configMap:
          defaultMode: 420
          name: fluentd-gcp-config-v1.2.6
        name: config-volume
      maxUnavailable: 1
    type: RollingUpdate

fluentd の設定ファイルを読み解く

fluentd の config file を確認します。config.d サブディレクトリ配下のファイルは fluentd-gcp-config-v1.2.6 という ConfigMap に入っています。

$ kubectl -n kube-system exec -it -c fluentd-gcp \
  $(kubectl get -n kube-system pods -l k8s-app=fluentd-gcp -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') \
  -- ls -l /etc/google-fluentd/
total 12
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4096 Mar 13 13:41 config.d
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2195 Sep 24 21:11 google-fluentd.conf
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 24 21:11 plugin

$ kubectl -n kube-system exec -it -c fluentd-gcp \
  $(kubectl get -n kube-system pods -l k8s-app=fluentd-gcp -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') \
  -- ls -l /etc/google-fluentd/config.d/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 Mar 13 13:41 containers.input.conf -> ..data/containers.input.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Mar 13 13:41 monitoring.conf -> ..data/monitoring.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Mar 13 13:41 output.conf -> ..data/output.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Mar 13 13:41 system.input.conf -> ..data/system.input.conf


まずはメインのファイルです。この中に @include config.d/*.conf とあり、config.d 配下のファイルが読み込まれています。

@type prometheus, @type prometheus_monitor というのがありますが。「fluent-plugin-prometheusをリリースしました - Qiita」ですね。先に紹介した prometheus-to-sd-exporter コンテナはこの plugin が提供する endpoint にアクセスしています。

@type add_insert_ids は送った先で重複してログを保存(もしくは集計)しないように各行にユニークなIDを振っているようです。そんな工夫がされていたんですね。retry の影響でログが重複してるよーって事にならないのは嬉しい。(filter_add_insert_ids.rb)

次の @type google_cloud も Google の plugin で BufferedOutput で Cloud Logging に送る部分を担当しています。(out_google_cloud.rb)ファイルに buffering して複数スレッドで gRPC で送るみたいですね。

# Master configuration file for google-fluentd

# Include any configuration files in the config.d directory.
# An example "catch-all" configuration can be found at
# https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/fluentd-catch-all-config
@include config.d/*.conf

# Prometheus monitoring.
  @type prometheus
  port 24231
  @type prometheus_monitor

# Do not collect fluentd's own logs to avoid infinite loops.
<match fluent.**>
  @type null

# Add a unique insertId to each log entry that doesn't already have it.
# This helps guarantee the order and prevent log duplication.
<filter **>
  @type add_insert_ids

# Configure all sources to output to Google Cloud Logging
<match **>
  @type google_cloud
  buffer_type file
  buffer_path /var/log/google-fluentd/buffers
  # Set the chunk limit conservatively to avoid exceeding the recommended
  # chunk size of 5MB per write request.
  buffer_chunk_limit 512KB
  # Flush logs every 5 seconds, even if the buffer is not full.
  flush_interval 5s
  # Enforce some limit on the number of retries.
  disable_retry_limit false
  # After 3 retries, a given chunk will be discarded.
  retry_limit 3
  # Wait 10 seconds before the first retry. The wait interval will be doubled on
  # each following retry (20s, 40s...) until it hits the retry limit.
  retry_wait 10
  # Never wait longer than 5 minutes between retries. If the wait interval
  # reaches this limit, the exponentiation stops.
  # Given the default config, this limit should never be reached, but if
  # retry_limit and retry_wait are customized, this limit might take effect.
  max_retry_wait 300
  # Use multiple threads for processing.
  num_threads 8
  detect_json true
  # Enable metadata agent lookups.
  enable_metadata_agent true
  metadata_agent_url "http://local-metadata-agent.stackdriver.com:8000"
  # Use the gRPC transport.
  use_grpc true
  # If a request is a mix of valid log entries and invalid ones, ingest the
  # valid ones and drop the invalid ones instead of dropping everything.
  partial_success true
  # Enable monitoring via Prometheus integration.
  enable_monitoring true
  monitoring_type prometheus


次は containers.input.conf です。名前の通り各コンテナのログを /var/log/containers/*.log をtail で読み出してます。そう、docker の fluentd log driver を使うわけではないんですね。(docker と containerd の関係とか良くわからん)

その後は kubernetes の metadata を付加して行きます。plugin 書いてたりするのに record_modifier で ruby で処理したりもするんですね。

最後の @type detect_exceptions は複数行に渡る stack trace を発見すると1つのメッセージにまとめてくれる便利 plugin のようです。(GoogleCloudPlatform/fluent-plugin-detect-exceptions)

# This configuration file for Fluentd is used
# to watch changes to Docker log files that live in the
# directory /var/lib/docker/containers/ and are symbolically
# linked to from the /var/log/containers directory using names that capture the
# pod name and container name. These logs are then submitted to
# Google Cloud Logging which assumes the installation of the cloud-logging plug-in.
# Example
# =======
# A line in the Docker log file might look like this JSON:
# {"log":"2014/09/25 21:15:03 Got request with path wombat\\n",
#  "stream":"stderr",
#   "time":"2014-09-25T21:15:03.499185026Z"}
# The original tag is derived from the log file's location.
# For example a Docker container's logs might be in the directory:
#  /var/lib/docker/containers/997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b
# and in the file:
#  997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b-json.log
# where 997599971ee6... is the Docker ID of the running container.
# The Kubernetes kubelet makes a symbolic link to this file on the host
# machine in the /var/log/containers directory which includes the pod name,
# the namespace name and the Kubernetes container name:
#    synthetic-logger-0.25lps-pod_default_synth-lgr-997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b.log
#    ->
#    /var/lib/docker/containers/997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b/997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b-json.log
# The /var/log directory on the host is mapped to the /var/log directory in the container
# running this instance of Fluentd and we end up collecting the file:
#   /var/log/containers/synthetic-logger-0.25lps-pod_default_synth-lgr-997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b.log
# This results in the tag:
#  var.log.containers.synthetic-logger-0.25lps-pod_default_synth-lgr-997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b.log
# where 'synthetic-logger-0.25lps-pod' is the pod name, 'default' is the
# namespace name, 'synth-lgr' is the container name and '997599971ee6..' is
# the container ID.
# The record reformer is used to extract pod_name, namespace_name and
# container_name from the tag and set them in a local_resource_id in the
# format of:
# The reformer also changes the tags to 'stderr' or 'stdout' based on the
# value of 'stream'.
# local_resource_id is later used by google_cloud plugin to determine the
# monitored resource to ingest logs against.

# Json Log Example:
# {"log":"[info:2016-02-16T16:04:05.930-08:00] Some log text here\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2016-02-17T00:04:05.931087621Z"}
# CRI Log Example:
# 2016-02-17T00:04:05.931087621Z stdout F [info:2016-02-16T16:04:05.930-08:00] Some log text here
  @type tail
  path /var/log/containers/*.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-containers.pos
  # Tags at this point are in the format of:
  # reform.var.log.containers.<POD_NAME>_<NAMESPACE_NAME>_<CONTAINER_NAME>-<CONTAINER_ID>.log
  tag reform.*
  read_from_head true
    @type multi_format
      format json
      time_key time
      time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ
      format /^(?<time>.+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr) [^ ]* (?<log>.*)$/
      time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%:z

<filter reform.**>
  @type parser
  format /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<log>.*)/
  reserve_data true
  suppress_parse_error_log true
  emit_invalid_record_to_error false
  key_name log

<filter reform.**>
  # This plugin uses environment variables KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and
  # KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT to talk to the API server. These environment
  # variables are added by kubelet automatically.
  @type kubernetes_metadata
  # Interval in seconds to dump cache stats locally in the Fluentd log.
  stats_interval 300
  # TTL in seconds of each cached element.
  cache_ttl 30
  # Skip fetching unused metadata.
  skip_container_metadata true
  skip_master_url true
  skip_namespace_metadata true

<filter reform.**>
  # We have to use record_modifier because only this plugin supports complex
  # logic to modify record the way we need.
  @type record_modifier
  enable_ruby true
    # Extract "kubernetes"->"labels" and set them as
    # "logging.googleapis.com/labels". Prefix these labels with
    # "k8s-pod" to distinguish with other labels and avoid
    # label name collision with other types of labels.
    _dummy_ ${if record.is_a?(Hash) && record.has_key?('kubernetes') && record['kubernetes'].has_key?('labels') && record['kubernetes']['labels'].is_a?(Hash); then; record["logging.googleapis.com/labels"] = record['kubernetes']['labels'].map{ |k, v| ["k8s-pod/#{k}", v]}.to_h; end; nil}
  # Delete this dummy field and the rest of "kubernetes" and "docker".
  remove_keys _dummy_,kubernetes,docker

<match reform.**>
  @type record_reformer
  enable_ruby true
    # Extract local_resource_id from tag for 'k8s_container' monitored
    # resource. The format is:
    # 'k8s_container.<namespace_name>.<pod_name>.<container_name>'.
    "logging.googleapis.com/local_resource_id" ${"k8s_container.#{tag_suffix[4].rpartition('.')[0].split('_')[1]}.#{tag_suffix[4].rpartition('.')[0].split('_')[0]}.#{tag_suffix[4].rpartition('.')[0].split('_')[2].rpartition('-')[0]}"}
    # Rename the field 'log' to a more generic field 'message'. This way the
    # fluent-plugin-google-cloud knows to flatten the field as textPayload
    # instead of jsonPayload after extracting 'time', 'severity' and
    # 'stream' from the record.
    message ${record['log']}
    # If 'severity' is not set, assume stderr is ERROR and stdout is INFO.
    severity ${record['severity'] || if record['stream'] == 'stderr' then 'ERROR' else 'INFO' end}
  tag ${if record['stream'] == 'stderr' then 'raw.stderr' else 'raw.stdout' end}
  remove_keys stream,log

# Detect exceptions in the log output and forward them as one log entry.
<match {raw.stderr,raw.stdout}>
  @type detect_exceptions

  remove_tag_prefix raw
  message message
  stream "logging.googleapis.com/local_resource_id"
  multiline_flush_interval 5
  max_bytes 500000
  max_lines 1000


次は monitoring.onf です。これは短い。

@type execdate +%s コマンドを実行し、unix timestamp を process_start_timestamp という key に入れます。

その後、型を Integer に変換して終わり。続きは次のファイルです。

# This source is used to acquire approximate process start timestamp,
# which purpose is explained before the corresponding output plugin.
  @type exec
  command /bin/sh -c 'date +%s'
  tag process_start
  time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
  keys process_start_timestamp

# This filter is used to convert process start timestamp to integer
# value for correct ingestion in the prometheus output plugin.
<filter process_start>
  @type record_transformer
  enable_ruby true
  auto_typecast true
    process_start_timestamp ${record["process_start_timestamp"].to_i}


次は output.conf です。最初のファイルで全部 Cloud Logging に送るようになってたじゃんって思うわけですが、ここでも出てきます。

まずは @type prometheus です。なるほどそういうことかって感じですね。さっきの process_start_timestamp は prometheus で良くあるプロセスの起動時刻用だったのです。

次も prometheus 用で読み込んだログの行数カウンターです。

その次は stdout, stderr タグのメッセージについて、Cloud Logging は1メッセージあたり100KBという制限があるために、100000 Bytes を超える場合はそれ以降を切り捨てて [Trimmed] っていう prefix を入れます。しかし、.length だとマルチバイトの時に制限超えちゃうんじゃないの???

“This section is exclusive for k8s_container logs.” ってのは k8s_container っていう新しい Kubernetes Engine Monitoring 専用って事ですね。

次は fluent.* は fluentd 自身のログなので捨てる。

その後また @type add_insert_ids が出てくるけど、すでに unique id が存在したら何もしないらしいので重複して適用しても大丈夫みたい。

後はまた metadata いじって Cloud Logging に送る。

# This match is placed before the all-matching output to provide metric
# exporter with a process start timestamp for correct exporting of
# cumulative metrics to Stackdriver.
<match process_start>
  @type prometheus

    type gauge
    name process_start_time_seconds
    desc Timestamp of the process start in seconds
    key process_start_timestamp

# This filter allows to count the number of log entries read by fluentd
# before they are processed by the output plugin. This in turn allows to
# monitor the number of log entries that were read but never sent, e.g.
# because of liveness probe removing buffer.
<filter **>
  @type prometheus
    type counter
    name logging_entry_count
    desc Total number of log entries generated by either application containers or system components

# This section is exclusive for k8s_container logs. Those come with
# 'stderr'/'stdout' tags.
# TODO(instrumentation): Reconsider this workaround later.
# Trim the entries which exceed slightly less than 100KB, to avoid
# dropping them. It is a necessity, because Stackdriver only supports
# entries that are up to 100KB in size.
<filter {stderr,stdout}>
  @type record_transformer
  enable_ruby true
    message ${record['message'].length > 100000 ? "[Trimmed]#{record['message'][0..100000]}..." : record['message']}

# Do not collect fluentd's own logs to avoid infinite loops.
<match fluent.**>
  @type null

# Add a unique insertId to each log entry that doesn't already have it.
# This helps guarantee the order and prevent log duplication.
<filter **>
  @type add_insert_ids

# This filter parses the 'source' field created for glog lines into a single
# top-level field, for proper processing by the output plugin.
# For example, if a record includes:
#     {"source":"handlers.go:131"},
# then the following entry will be added to the record:
#     {"logging.googleapis.com/sourceLocation":
#          {"file":"handlers.go", "line":"131"}
#     }
<filter **>
  @type record_transformer
  enable_ruby true
    "logging.googleapis.com/sourceLocation" ${if record.is_a?(Hash) && record.has_key?('source'); source_parts = record['source'].split(':', 2); {'file' => source_parts[0], 'line' => source_parts[1]} if source_parts.length == 2; else; nil; end}

# This section is exclusive for k8s_container logs. These logs come with
# 'stderr'/'stdout' tags.
# We use a separate output stanza for 'k8s_node' logs with a smaller buffer
# because node logs are less important than user's container logs.
<match {stderr,stdout}>
  @type google_cloud

  # Try to detect JSON formatted log entries.
  detect_json true
  # Collect metrics in Prometheus registry about plugin activity.
  enable_monitoring true
  monitoring_type prometheus
  # Allow log entries from multiple containers to be sent in the same request.
  split_logs_by_tag false
  # Set the buffer type to file to improve the reliability and reduce the memory consumption
  buffer_type file
  buffer_path /var/run/google-fluentd/buffers/kubernetes.containers.buffer
  # Set queue_full action to block because we want to pause gracefully
  # in case of the off-the-limits load instead of throwing an exception
  buffer_queue_full_action block
  # Set the chunk limit conservatively to avoid exceeding the recommended
  # chunk size of 5MB per write request.
  buffer_chunk_limit 512k
  # Cap the combined memory usage of this buffer and the one below to
  # 512KiB/chunk * (6 + 2) chunks = 4 MiB
  buffer_queue_limit 6
  # Never wait more than 5 seconds before flushing logs in the non-error case.
  flush_interval 5s
  # Never wait longer than 30 seconds between retries.
  max_retry_wait 30
  # Disable the limit on the number of retries (retry forever).
  # Use multiple threads for processing.
  num_threads 2
  use_grpc true
  # Skip timestamp adjustment as this is in a controlled environment with
  # known timestamp format. This helps with CPU usage.
  adjust_invalid_timestamps false

# Attach local_resource_id for 'k8s_node' monitored resource.
<filter **>
  @type record_transformer
  enable_ruby true
    "logging.googleapis.com/local_resource_id" ${"k8s_node.#{ENV['NODE_NAME']}"}

# This section is exclusive for 'k8s_node' logs. These logs come with tags
# that are neither 'stderr' or 'stdout'.
# We use a separate output stanza for 'k8s_container' logs with a larger
# buffer because user's container logs are more important than node logs.
<match **>
  @type google_cloud

  detect_json true
  enable_monitoring true
  monitoring_type prometheus
  # Allow entries from multiple system logs to be sent in the same request.
  split_logs_by_tag false
  detect_subservice false
  buffer_type file
  buffer_path /var/run/google-fluentd/buffers/kubernetes.system.buffer
  buffer_queue_full_action block
  buffer_chunk_limit 512k
  buffer_queue_limit 2
  flush_interval 5s
  max_retry_wait 30
  num_threads 2
  use_grpc true
  # Skip timestamp adjustment as this is in a controlled environment with
  # known timestamp format. This helps with CPU usage.
  adjust_invalid_timestamps false


これで最後、system.input.conf です。

/var/log 配下のログや systemd の journal log から読み出す設定です。Control Plane でも使われているのか api server とか etcd 用の設定も入ってますね。

# Example:
# Dec 21 23:17:22 gke-foo-1-1-4b5cbd14-node-4eoj startupscript: Finished running startup script /var/run/google.startup.script
  @type tail
  format syslog
  path /var/log/startupscript.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-startupscript.pos
  tag startupscript

# Examples:
# time="2016-02-04T06:51:03.053580605Z" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
# time="2016-02-04T07:53:57.505612354Z" level=error msg="HTTP Error" err="No such image: -f" statusCode=404
# TODO(random-liu): Remove this after cri container runtime rolls out.
  @type tail
  format /^time="(?<time>[^)]*)" level=(?<severity>[^ ]*) msg="(?<message>[^"]*)"( err="(?<error>[^"]*)")?( statusCode=($<status_code>\d+))?/
  path /var/log/docker.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-docker.pos
  tag docker

# Example:
# 2016/02/04 06:52:38 filePurge: successfully removed file /var/etcd/data/member/wal/00000000000006d0-00000000010a23d1.wal
  @type tail
  # Not parsing this, because it doesn't have anything particularly useful to
  # parse out of it (like severities).
  format none
  path /var/log/etcd.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-etcd.pos
  tag etcd

# Multi-line parsing is required for all the kube logs because very large log
# statements, such as those that include entire object bodies, get split into
# multiple lines by glog.

# Example:
# I0204 07:32:30.020537    3368 server.go:1048] POST /stats/container/: (13.972191ms) 200 [[Go-http-client/1.1]]
  @type tail
  format multiline
  multiline_flush_interval 5s
  format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
  format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
  time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
  path /var/log/kubelet.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-kubelet.pos
  tag kubelet

# Example:
# I1118 21:26:53.975789       6 proxier.go:1096] Port "nodePort for kube-system/default-http-backend:http" (:31429/tcp) was open before and is still needed
  @type tail
  format multiline
  multiline_flush_interval 5s
  format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
  format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
  time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
  path /var/log/kube-proxy.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-kube-proxy.pos
  tag kube-proxy

# Example:
# I0204 07:00:19.604280       5 handlers.go:131] GET /api/v1/nodes: (1.624207ms) 200 [[kube-controller-manager/v1.1.3 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/6a81b50]]
  @type tail
  format multiline
  multiline_flush_interval 5s
  format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
  format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
  time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
  path /var/log/kube-apiserver.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-kube-apiserver.pos
  tag kube-apiserver

# Example:
# I0204 06:55:31.872680       5 servicecontroller.go:277] LB already exists and doesn't need update for service kube-system/kube-ui
  @type tail
  format multiline
  multiline_flush_interval 5s
  format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
  format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
  time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
  path /var/log/kube-controller-manager.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-kube-controller-manager.pos
  tag kube-controller-manager

# Example:
# W0204 06:49:18.239674       7 reflector.go:245] pkg/scheduler/factory/factory.go:193: watch of *api.Service ended with: 401: The event in requested index is outdated and cleared (the requested history has been cleared [2578313/2577886]) [2579312]
  @type tail
  format multiline
  multiline_flush_interval 5s
  format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
  format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
  time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
  path /var/log/kube-scheduler.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-kube-scheduler.pos
  tag kube-scheduler

# Example:
# I1104 10:36:20.242766       5 rescheduler.go:73] Running Rescheduler
  @type tail
  format multiline
  multiline_flush_interval 5s
  format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
  format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
  time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
  path /var/log/rescheduler.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-rescheduler.pos
  tag rescheduler

# Example:
# I0603 15:31:05.793605       6 cluster_manager.go:230] Reading config from path /etc/gce.conf
  @type tail
  format multiline
  multiline_flush_interval 5s
  format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
  format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
  time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
  path /var/log/glbc.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-glbc.pos
  tag glbc

# Example:
# I0603 15:31:05.793605       6 cluster_manager.go:230] Reading config from path /etc/gce.conf
  @type tail
  format multiline
  multiline_flush_interval 5s
  format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
  format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
  time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
  path /var/log/cluster-autoscaler.log
  pos_file /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-cluster-autoscaler.pos
  tag cluster-autoscaler

# Logs from systemd-journal for interesting services.
# TODO(random-liu): Keep this for compatibility, remove this after
# cri container runtime rolls out.
  @type systemd
  filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "docker.service" }]
    @type local
    path /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-journald-docker.pos
  read_from_head true
  tag docker

  @type systemd
  filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "docker.service" }]
    @type local
    path /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-journald-container-runtime.pos
  read_from_head true
  tag container-runtime

  @type systemd
  filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "kubelet.service" }]
    @type local
    path /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-journald-kubelet.pos
  read_from_head true
  tag kubelet

# kube-node-installation, kube-node-configuration, and kube-logrotate are
# oneshots, but it's extremely valuable to have their logs on Stackdriver
# as they can diagnose critical issues with node startup.
# See http://cs/cloud-gke-kubernetes/cluster/gce/gci/node.yaml.
  @type systemd
  filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "kube-node-installation.service" }]
    @type local
    path /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-journald-kube-node-installation.pos
  read_from_head true
  tag kube-node-installation

  @type systemd
  filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "kube-node-configuration.service" }]
    @type local
    path /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-journald-kube-node-configuration.pos
  read_from_head true
  tag kube-node-configuration

  @type systemd
  filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "kube-logrotate.service" }]
    @type local
    path /var/run/google-fluentd/pos-files/gcp-journald-kube-logrotate.pos
  read_from_head true
  tag kube-logrotate

  @type systemd
  filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "node-problem-detector.service" }]
  pos_file /var/log/gcp-journald-node-problem-detector.pos
  read_from_head true
  tag node-problem-detector

  @type systemd
  filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "kube-container-runtime-monitor.service" }]
  pos_file /var/log/gcp-journald-kube-container-runtime-monitor.pos
  read_from_head true
  tag kube-container-runtime-monitor

  @type systemd
  filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "kubelet-monitor.service" }]
  pos_file /var/log/gcp-journald-kubelet-monitor.pos
  read_from_head true
  tag kubelet-monitor


へぇ、GCP でもそんな風にやってるのかあって感じられて興味深かったです。

Hugo で構築されています。
テーマ StackJimmy によって設計されています。